Pokemon Go: BiGEd5's Thoughts On The Game

BiGEd5's Thoughts on 
Pokemon Go!
Article By:Armindo "BiGEd5" Gonzalez Jr.

It's been a few weeks since Pokémon Go! Was released on smartphones. The fan base boomed over night with over millions of downloads and still growing in Apple Store and Google Store. It's finally nice to see people come together to play it while getting to know each other.

Let's not forget that it's a interesting way to lose weight.
I already lost three pounds in a week 
walking at the mall market. 
Planning to lose even more then that.

I think this game will be a key to bringing all of us together and forget our differences in alot of things. Joy and happiness will rise upon the world slowly but surely. Hopefully the three teams come an understanding. People will start losing weight without evening knowing it but be careful with cars, walls, bad neighborhoods, and muggers.

Please don't be like this people. Stay safe everyone.

Enjoy the journey too!

Show positivity and spread joy!

Credit to all the people for the videos I am using 

I know there's some crazy things that has happened and probably still continue to happen.
Hopefully from all this they still add more to the game like trading and battling with other trainers. Add even more gens Pokemons to this game will help Nintendo
 keep gamers playing like they are right now.

Hopefully everyone loved this small thought of the game.

Happy Hunting Everyone!

Oh and a meme to go! Please!

